Here's one regarding serial commas, also known as listing commas since they are used when listing separate elements. The accepted convention has traditionally been to use the comma to separate each element of the list or series, including the final one indicated by the conjunction and. That convention, however, is changing.
Consider the example shown in the cropped image above. The predicate contains a list of three items. In the example shown above, a comma does not appear before the final coordinating conjunction (indicated with the red underline).
This usage is not incorrect. It represents the changing convention with the changing times. Thus the comma in this place is optional.
The previous comma, however, is not optional. A comma between reaction and fewer is essential to indicate that the items are in series or part of a list.
My recommendation
Call me old school, but I prefer the traditional convention. The comma will then indicate the division between each element in the series and prevent confusion, especially if one of those elements has two or more sub-elements. Thus, I recommend rewriting the sentence in this way: