Unlike distinguish, with which only the use of from is appropriate, differ can appear correctly with either from or with. However, each of these prepositions will communicate a very different meaning .
Effective writers use differ from to discuss characteristics of two ideas of items. In essence, differ from highlights differences, much like distinguish from. However, writers use differ with to convey disagreement. Because only sentient beings can have disagreement, effective writers never use differ from when presenting ideas or other lifeless items.
Consider the example sentence in the graphic above. This sentence conveys a difference in silicon content (a characteristic) between two types of stainless steel (an inanimate object). Thus, the writer has used differ from correctly. Differ with would be appropriate if the difference were between two sentient beings, say the production manager at a foundry that produces stainless steel and a supplier.
Remember, you can differ from characteristics but with people. It’s often the little things that make all the difference. That is certainly true in the case of differ from versus differ with. Integrate these little differences into your writing, and you’ll improve both your reputation as a writer and the image of professionalism associated with your writing.